The ultimate success of HS Science Students is possible in U40 academy Inn/ Ultimate. 40 Career. Institute .malda

u40 academy inn – how it is a unique ?

The  name the Institute was selected as super30  of patna in 2013  . At that time the new era of education was started  and I was also motivated by super 30. I was started for the establishment of my new innovative road map for spreading education in best manner and the Building have been  constructed  with the thought that  students could  receive their wants as  to create best environment for learning. The  Building has four floor and all the facility in the building is present  


Ground Floor  

Eight Rooms  along with varanda . 

Three  wash  Room.

one staff room .

one office  room .

This  floor  is for 20 Neet students 

one Water purifier 

wifi connection in this floor only because of online course

First Floor &Second Floor 

 Eight Room 

one residential staff room 

Wash room consist of 3 unit

water purifier 

inverter connected with all  area 

Third Floor 

 Kitchen Room

Dining Room

2 Class Room well decorated for Class XI and XII

This Is Now U40 Academy. Inn .Malda 



U40 Academy INN (XI+XII+NEET. ) Science

Journey from 2017

Our journey was started in 2013 with a single floor building and the guardians were very glad to get such type of institution .Each and every year the allotted students were admitted in every year and they have successfully passed with good marks without any failed result . Yes the same result in every year was possible because of our unique system .This institute has the another norms that any students from any comunity can take admission . No cast bar is strictly maintained by us. Students could prepare their-self to survive in any place in the world.It is possible when all the students from different comunity live happily together. The ecosystem of HS education is perfect and experimented from 2017.

U40 academy have seperate 2 class room

U40 Academy Inn is famous for HS Science Mission . In Malda There many Science Mission but they are not maintaining the u40 concept that is unique in malda as well as in West Bengal.

1 thought on “u40 academy inn – how it is a unique ?”

  1. This is institution model is very effective because of limited Number (40) IN CLASS XI and XII and NEET 20. Science and Arts
    Students are getting maximum benefits from class and teachers .The atmosphere for education is very comfortable and automatically a normal students increases their performance for H.S course and Neet.

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